Anti-virus Software for Personal Use

Middlebury ITS strongly recommends the use of anti-virus software on all computers. ITS provides managed anti-virus software for Middlebury-owned computers, and there are a number of quality and reputable options for anti-virus software for personally-owned computers, many of which have free versions available. Rather than endorse specific commercial companies, ITS provides the following respected review sites so that you can make your own choices based upon your needs:

While other free anti-virus solutions exist, please be careful when downloading free software. Always download software from a trusted source, preferably directly from the software provider. Fake anti-virus software is not unheard of, and it is not uncommon for free software distributed from “download sites” to come bundled with unwanted software like adware. Be careful!

Remember that ITS provides managed anti-virus software for Middlebury-owned computers. The free solutions referenced above are only for use on personally-owned computers. Please read this information about Anti-virus Software or contact the ITS Help Desk if you have questions about anti-virus software on your Middlebury-owned computer.


Middlebury ITS does not explicitly endorse or provide technical support for the security tools described herein.


Anti-virus software remains a strongly recommended tool to protect your personal computing devices from unwanted software. While anti-virus software may not provide perfect security, it is an effective tool to defend against unwanted and malicious applications.
Middlebury ITS recommends that anti-virus software be installed on all computers connecting to the Middlebury network or services, either from campus locations or from off campus.
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Tue 8/9/22 3:23 PM
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