How to change your delivery preferences for a Champlain College mailing list (aka Google Group)


While you cannot unsubscribe from Champlain College mailing lists, due to automated processes that populate lists based on your department or division membership, you can change your delivery preferences to receive no mail or a daily digest.To access Google Groups:

  1. Click on the grid icon in the upper right corner of your browser when you are in Gmail or any other Google Apps window: Grid icon
  2. Click on the Groups icon as shown below:
    Google Apps Groups select
  3. Next you’ll see your Google Groups home screen where you can look at groups that you are in (My Groups) or you can search for other groups.
    Google Groups Home
  4. Select “My Groups”. In the resulting screen, you’ll see each Group you are subscribed to and a column on the right hand side of the screen where you can set your delivery preferences.
    Google Apps My Groups

Here are the delivery options and what they mean:

  • No email: You won’t receive any email messages to that group. (Important! Do not select this option for any official Champlain groups such as the faculty and staff mailing lists as important news from the College may be missed or delayed!).

  • Abridged email: Once a day, you’ll get a summary of new messages.

  • Digest email: Once a day, you’ll get full email messages bundled into a single message.

  • All email: You’ll get an email anytime someone posts to the group.

Remember that the “Leave Group” function does not work at Champlain College as most Groups are maintained by automated processes based on department or division membership.For more information about Google Groups, check out Google’s Groups training page at



Article ID: 45
Fri 6/25/21 11:23 AM
Mon 9/13/21 12:34 PM