Qualtrics allows users to design online surveys that can be shared with a variety of participants.
Creating an Account
- Login page:
- If this is your first time using Qualtrics with your Middlebury account, please select No, I don't have a preexisting account here

- This will automatically generate your account for you. You will then need to select the option to Sign In.

- Once you hit Sign In, you will be brought to the main Qualtrics page.
Usage Policy
- When creating a survey, you must explain your objectives and procedures, and any risks and benefits to the respondents.
- As you conduct surveys, you have the responsibility of protecting the rights of the respondents.
- You must protect the confidentiality, and respect the privacy, of the respondents.
- The survey must include a method for the respondents to reach you with questions or concerns.
- For certain research involving human subjects, you must get permission from the Institutional Review Board (IRB):
- To learn more about when it is necessary to go through IRB approval, what constitutes “personally identifiable information”, what information should never be collected, what requires special approval, etc. consult the full IRB policy document.
Getting Started with Qualtrics
- Learn Qualtrics in 5 Steps
- Register For A Live Training Webinar
- Watch Pre Recorded Trainings
- Frequently Asked Questions (e.g. How to insert a heading into the survey)
Questions about Qualtrics
You may contact one of Middlebury's brand administrators if you have questions about working with Qualtrics:
College: Adela Langrock, Director of Assessment and Institutional Research
Institute: Grace O’dell, Career & Academic Advisor
Qualtrics Support
Visit the Qualtrics Support Portal #REDIRECT
- To file a ticket or for technical support click "Contact Support"
- Login via SSO (single-sign on), if prompted use organizational ID: Middlebury
Specific Help Topics
Additional Qualtrics Features
- Recode Values
- Embedded Data
- Email Triggers
- Quotas
- Sharing a project with other Colleagues
- Reminder/Thank you Emails to those that have not taking or finished your survey
- Ability to add multimedia to surveys
- Scoring