CourseHub name pronunciation


The CourseHub's name pronunciation feature allows both students and instructors to add extra profile information, including a name pronunciation recording and phonetic spelling of their name.


The CourseHub's name pronunciation feature allows both students and instructors to add extra profile information, including a name pronunciation recording and phonetic spelling of their name.

If you have not yet added pronunciation details, you will be presented with this prompt upon logging into the CourseHub:
Screen shot of the Course Hub pronunciation prompt.

You may choose to update your profile, dismiss the prompt with a reminder later (in two days), or dismiss the reminder permanently. Pronunciation details are optional.

“My Profile”

The link to your profile is located next to the “Logout” link.

On the profile page you will see some information that is automatically imported from Banner (name, pronoun, email) and some information that you can edit directly in the Course Hub (name pronunciation, timezone).

Example of a user's CourseHub profile and the link to access the profile.

Upon clicking the button to edit your profile, you will be able to add or change your name pronunciation and timezone. Fields populated from Banner are not user-editable in the Course Hub.

Edit screen of the user-profile in the CourseHub showing the name pronunciation fields.

Name recording controls

Clicking the Record button will prompt your browser to allow access to your microphone and then display a recording dialog:

Screen shot of a browser's microphone access request.

Screen shot of the CourseHub name-recording dialog.

After recording your name pronunciation, the Record button will be replaced with a preview:

Screen shot of the CourseHub's name-pronunciation preview in the profile-edit form


Other name pronunciation fields

Use the “Name as spoken” field to provide a textual representation of what you spoke so that listeners don’t have to map sounds they hear to the "Last, First M. (nickname)" Display Name that comes from Banner and which might not be an exact match to what you spoke.

Use the “Name phonetic spelling” field to provide a textual guide to how to pronounce your name. Use the formatting provided in the phonetic spelling guide in the Course Hub. Entering a phonetic spelling will assist those who cannot hear your recording due to disability, technical limitations, or when viewing the class-Roster in print.

Display of profile information

Class Rosters

Class-rosters are only visible to the instructor[s] teaching the class and select support staff and show a listing of each student enrolled in the course-section. In addition to the fields from Banner (name, photo, email, advisor, dean), name pronunciation is shown to the instructor if available.

The example below shows a class roster where the users have provided different amounts of optional information such as preferred pronouns (in Banner) and name pronunciation details.

This example of a class-roster shows how additional (optional) pronunciation information is displayed to instructors.

Course overview pages

Instructor name pronunciation and preferred pronoun will be displayed on course overview pages to students, faculty, and staff who are logged into the Course Hub. This includes all members of the Middlebury community, not solely students enrolled in the course. Anonymous viewers will not see these fields.

Screenshot of a course overview page showing instructor name pronunciation details.


Data Privacy

Following the Data Classification Policy, name pronunciation and pronoun are being considered as “Level 2 - Internal data”. As such, access to this data is being limited to those groups for whom use and availability is most appropriate.

Access to “My Profile”

All users will always be able to see and update their own data at “My Profile”.

Access to individual user profiles is restricted to staff supporting the academic mission. This includes ITS & DLINQ staff providing tech support as well as Library & ADA staff providing support and resources. Additional access grants may be made on a case by case basis, some examples of which include: Presenters of Phi Beta Kappa awards, graduation announcers.

Access to Rosters

Rosters are only accessible to instructors teaching the course section and to ITS/DLINQ/Library/ADA staff providing technology and academic support.

Access to Instructor details

The instructor teaching each course section is considered “Level 1 - Public Data” under the Data Classification Policy. Instructor names and email addresses are published publicly (to anonymous visitors) in the Course Catalog and the Course Hub. That said, the self-recorded audio clip of an instructor’s name pronunciation and their indicated pronoun is assumed to be “Level 2 - Internal data”. As such, only authenticated students, faculty, and staff are able to access name pronunciation and pronoun information when browsing the course-section overview pages. Anonymous visitors will only see the display name and email for the instructors.

Anonymous view:

Screenshot of a CourseHub course-overview page when viewed as anonymous. No pronunciation details are visible.

Authenticated view:

Screenshot of a CourseHub course-overview page when viewed as an authenticated user. Pronunciation details are visible.





Article ID: 555
Mon 1/23/23 3:29 PM
Tue 8/22/23 9:20 AM

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