Champlain faculty, staff and students can now use the wireless network “Champlain” from anywhere on the Champlain College campus. This network is restricted to those with Champlain accounts and requires authentication with those credentials. To connect to this network:
Windows 10/Windows 11:
Click on the Wifi icon by the clock
Select “Champlain”

Enter your Champlain user name and password.

If prompted, make sure to click "Connect" to continue with the connection:

Once you see "Connected. secured" under the Champlain network, you should be all set!

If you see a status of "Connected, no internet" - wait a few seconds and it should resolve itself.
Click on the WiFi icon by the clock
Select “Champlain” to start the connection:

When prompted, enter your Champlain username and password. (usually your firstname.lastname or your first initial and last name)
Make sure to select "no certificate" when at this screen

Next, click "continue" to accept the Champlain wifi certificate. This identifies you on the network so you don't have to re-enter your username/password each time you connect:

Finally, enter your mac username and password to update your certificate settings. This is the information you use to access your Mac computer directly:

You should now be connected and see a fully bright wifi icon in the top bar:

If you get an error stating "this network could not be joined" please follow the steps in the Certificate Reset article here to clear out your old saved password. This can occur if you recently changed your Champlain account password, or if you mistyped your password when joining the network.
Open the Settings app, then select Wi-Fi.
Choose the “Champlain” Network.

Enter your user name and password.

If prompted, make sure to trust the certificate shown. This identifies you on the network so you don't have to re-enter your username/password each time you connect.

If the device has trouble connecting, try turning OFF the Private Address setting. You may re-enable it after connected if desired.

Open the Settings app, then navigate to the wifi section.
Tap the "Champlain" network
Enter your information on the following screen, making sure to match the other settings shown here:

If you have trouble with these settings, try selecting "Use Device MAC" under the Advanced options.
Chrome OS / Chromebook:
To connect a chromebook to the Champlain wifi, open the settings pane from the bottom right corner of the screen, then click on wifi.
Select the "Champlain" wifi network, then enter your information, following the settings below:

If this is a shared device, make sure to also turn on the "allow other users" setting so the network is available to others who log into your device. Otherwise, they will also have to follow these steps on their account.