Google Chrome Profile setup

When studying or working at Champlain, you likely have a personal and Champlain email (Google) account. To seamlessly switch between them, please follow this article to set up a "profile" for Champlain and a separate one for your personal account. 

These separate profiles act as different screens in Chrome, where each has a different account logged in. This lets you log into different applications without getting any account conflict errors.

Step 1:

Click the "profile" icon at the top of the Chrome screen:

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Step 2:

Click the gear icon to open the profile settings:

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Step 3:

Click the "add" icon in the profile selection screen:

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Step 4:

A window will appear, prompting for a sign in with or without an account. Select the option to sign in:

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Step 5:

Use your Champlain email to sign in on the new profile:

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Step 6:

You should now be in a new Chrome window with your Champlain account signed in. In this window, you can navigate to a Champlain website and sign in directly with Google. When signing in using this window, make sure to select the Champlain option, as seen below:

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Please reach out to ChampSupport if you have any questions or need further assistance with this process.

Please also see this Google support article for more information from their site about this process and for troubleshooting:

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Article ID: 473
Mon 12/19/22 1:41 PM
Mon 12/19/22 2:17 PM