How to forward emails from Champlain accounts to a personal address

Email forwarding

By default, emails are sent to and email addresses for official College business. You may access your account online with the Gmail website, linked here. 

Gmail offers a feature to allow forwarding email messages to a personal, external email address. To set up this feature, please follow the steps below. 

Step 1

Log in to the Gmail website at the link here. Please ensure that you are using your Champlain account and are not currently logged in to another personal account to start the process. 

Once at the main inbox page, click the settings gear icon towards the top right of the page. Just below the icon, click the button that appears to "see all settings"

Step 2

On the settings page, go to the Forwarding & POP/IMAP tab:

Step 3

Under this section, click the button to add a forwarding address:

Step 4

Enter your personal email address in the pop-up

Step 5

You may be prompted to re-enter your Champlain account password. After confirming, double-check that your personal email address is written correctly. If so, click the button to proceed. 

Step 6

You will see an on-screen confirmation of the process. The dialog box will inform you that a confirmation message has been sent to your personal email:

Step 7

Please log in to your personal email account. Look for a message from the "Champlain College team" and open it. Click the first link included in the message to confirm and finalize the forwarding process. Emails will not begin forwarding until you click the link and confirm. 

If you do not see this email in your inbox, please check in your spam or all mail folders at your respective email provider. 

Step 8

A new page will open confirming that the forwarding process is complete. Emails will now be delivered to your personal email account, but a copy will still remain in your Champlain inbox as well. Once you reach this step, the process is complete!


If you have any further questions about, or issues with, this process please contact ChampSupport.