Installing ZBrush

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Note: Using ZBrush on your own computer requires connecting to the campus licensing server via OpenVPN. If you lose your connection to the VPN server, ZBrush will quit without offering you a chance to save your work. Save your work often!

Steps for installing ZBrush on a personal computer using the Champlain College license:

Go to the Champlain Student Software Google Drive folder and locate the file, right-click on it, and click download

Once the download is finished, if your browser shows a small bar with information regarding your downloads locate this download on it and select the “Show in folder option”. Alternatively, simply navigate to your downloads directory.

Locate in your downloads directory, right-click on it, and select “Extract All”

Click “Extract” in the window that pops up

After this process is completed, a window with the extracted files in it will pop up. Locate “InstallZbrush2019.bat”, right-click on it, and select “Run As Administrator”

If you have a pop-up from Windows Defender or similar antivirus that blocks the program from running, attempt to locate the “Run Anyway” button. With Windows Defender this is found first by clicking on “More Info”

Then clicking on “Run anyway”

The script can take several minutes to run and will not have any output until it is finished, so even if it seems like it isn’t doing anything just let it sit for a while until the output window displays something similar to what is seen below. At this point, Zbrush should be fully licensed and installed.

Before launching ZBrush, you must follow the procedure to connect to OpenVPN. Once you are connected, you should be able to launch ZBrush.

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Article ID: 94
Fri 6/25/21 3:52 PM
Fri 1/21/22 3:59 PM

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