How long is data associated with Zoom Phone retained?
Voicemail stored in Zoom is retained for 60 days.
SMS is retained for 60 days
Call recordings are retained for 60 days unless your line is set up to be recorded automatically for every call.
Call logs are retained for 180 days
Why is there a number in front of my four digit extension?
Middlebury has 6 definted sites, and each site has a "site code" which is pre-pended to the four digit extensions. Since some extensions between our sites (listed below) overlap, users must dial the site code only if calling someone from a separate site. If dialing internally within your site, the code is not needed.
Site 1 - Middlebury College Campus
Site 2 - Bread Loaf Campus
Site 3 - Monterey Institute Campus
Site 4 - Snow Bowl
Site 5 - Washington DC Office
Site 6 - GMHEC Office
How do I setup my voice mail?
Where can I check my voice mail?
I do not want Zoom to ring on my computer or smart phone - how can I turn that off?
How do I add my cell phone so that when I get a call it will ring there as well?
How do I call out?
When will my number be moved from Cisco to Zoom Phone?
Why am I being prompted to enter my "personal location"?
Zoom FAQ Documentation -