How to Register a FIDO2 Token

This article explains how to register a FIDO2 token so you can log in securely without having to enter your username and password.  These devices are useful for individuals who don't have a cell phone. Compatibility resources are also included that list which browsers and devices are supported by the various operating systems.

How to Register a FIDO2 Token

Important:  You will need your security key in hand but don't plug it into the computer yet.

  1. Visit   You should reach the Security Info page where your MFA methods are registered.
    • Contact the Helpdesk if you can't access this page.
  2. On the Security Info page, click Add sign-in method.

Security info screen with Add sign-in method circled

  1. When asked Which method would you like to add?, choose Security Key, then click Add.
  2. Choose USB Device when asked to choose the type of security key, then click Next
  3. The following screen should appear -- click Next to continue:

    Security key setup info screen
  4. Insert your security key in the computer now!
  5. You will receive a series of prompts to set up your key.  These will differ slightly based on your computer's operating system and the browser you're using.  Follow the prompts to finish setting up the key.
    • Please note that not all browsers can register YubiKeys and they often have trouble registering using Incognito (or Private) windows.  Refer to Compatibility Resources below for more information.
  6. Choose Security Key when asked where to save this passkey, then click Next.
  7. Provide a 4-digit PIN and confirm it when prompted.
  8. Provide a short name for your key -- this will appear on your list of MFA options.
  9. When you see "You're all set!" you'll know your registration has completed successfully.  Click Done to complete the process.

    You're all set screen

Compatibility Resources

FIDO2 compatibility with Operating Systems & Browsers

Browser support grid

For first time registration, please note the following device compatibility requirements:

Device support grid - by OS and browser


Article ID: 673
Thu 12/14/23 3:07 PM
Wed 1/24/24 11:33 AM