Canvas Navigation Items


A brief description of all the items available under Navigation in Middlebury's Canvas courses.


General directions on controlling and displaying items on the Canvas navigation list can be found here.

The following list gives a brief description of all the navigation items that are available by default in Middlebury's Canvas courses. 

  • Access Pearson: Provides access to Pearson's digital learning resources and tools integrated into Canvas.  Access is based on individual purchases.
  • Announcements: Displays important updates and messages from the instructor.
  • Assignments: Lists all the assignments, their details, and due dates.
  • BigBlueButton: A web conferencing tool for live, online class sessions and meetings. NOTE: Zoom is the recommended and supported tool for video conferencing. 
  • Bookshelf®: Access to digital textbooks and course materials.  Access is based on individual textbook purchases.
  • Chat: Enables real-time text communication with classmates and instructors.
  • Collaborations: Allows students to work together on shared documents and projects.
  • Discussions: Online forums for class discussions and interaction.
  • Files: A repository for course-related files and documents.
  • Google Drive: Integration with Google Drive to access and submit assignments.
  • Grades: Shows students their grades and feedback on assignments.
  • Gradescope: A tool for submitting and grading assignments, especially useful for complex problem-solving tasks with hand-written components.
  • Home: The main landing page for the course, usually with important announcements and course overview.
  • Item Banks: A collection of questions that can be used for quizzes and exams.
  • Library Resources: Access to Middlebury’s library resources, including databases and research tools.
  • McGraw-Hill Connect: Provides access to McGraw-Hill's learning resources and tools integrated into Canvas. Access is based on individual textbook purchases.
  • Modules: Organizes course content by weeks, units, or topics.
  • ms whiteboard: A collaborative online whiteboard from Microsoft for visual brainstorming and interactive sessions.
  • Multi-Tool: Various course management tools for tasks like bulk editing and scheduling.
  • New Analytics: Displays data on student participation and performance.
  • Office 365: Integration with Office 365 for accessing and submitting documents.
  • Outcomes: Tracks students' progress on learning outcomes and competencies.
  • Pages: Static content pages created by instructors, such as syllabi or resource guides.
  • People: Lists all the students, instructors, and assistants enrolled in the course.
  • Perusall: A collaborative reading and commenting tool where students can annotate and discuss readings.
  • Quizzes: Online quizzes and exams for the course.
  • Rubrics: Detailed scoring guides used for grading assignments.
  • SCORM: Integration of SCORM packages for interactive learning content.
  • Syllabus: Provides the course syllabus, outlining key information and policies.
  • ThingLink: A tool for creating interactive images and videos with embedded links.
  • UDOIT Cloud: Checks the course for accessibility issues and provides recommendations for improvement.
  • Zoom: Integration with Zoom for scheduling and attending online class sessions and meetings.



Article ID: 727
Thu 8/1/24 2:44 PM
Thu 8/1/24 2:44 PM