Software Evaluation and Acquisition

This request is for software that is new to Middlebury. If you need software Middlebury has already purchased, please submit a ticket here for help with installation. To see what software Middlebury licenses, check out the services list.

What Is This Service?

Software acquisition refers to the evaluation, licensing, and distribution of software purchased with Middlebury funds.

Prior to entering into contractual agreements with an external technology provider, it is essential that there is a thorough review of the software to ensure that the technology meets Middlebury's standards for security, data stewardship, and accessibility. ITS is happy to conduct these evaluations on funded projects.

As part of this evaluation, ITS will also work with you to understand ongoing support needs for the technology, and the availability of that support.

Software acquisition requests for both academic and administrative purposes are eligible for this service

Who Is Eligible For This Service?

Middlebury faculty or staff may contact ITS to request software. ITS will work with the requestor to explore and evaluate the request.

How Do I Learn About This Service?

Contact ITS to learn more about this service.

How Do I Get Help?

To request support, submit a service request using the link on this page.

Request New Software

Related Articles (1)

See the related service to have new software evaluated.


Service ID: 17
Thu 6/3/21 3:21 PM
Fri 7/19/24 11:27 AM