GitHub for EDU (

What is this Service?

GitHub is a web-based code management system. GitHub for EDU is a program offered by GitHub that provides students and instructors with free or discounted 3rd party tools like app hosting and continuous integration services. Additionally, it allows instructors to create GitHub Classroom spaces for assignments and classroom collaboration.

Who is Eligible for this Service?

Instructors and students. You must register & validate your email address in your GitHub account to be provided with the benefits of the program.

How Do I Learn About this Service?

See for GitHub’s documentation and access to tools. We have also put together some suggestions and best practice documentation.

How Do I Get Help?

For a consultation with DLNQ or to request an “Enterprise-tier Organization”, please click the "Request Support" button on the right side of this page.

For further GitHub support, see GitHub’s own support resources:

Request Service


Service ID: 143
Tue 7/27/21 5:15 PM
Tue 9/28/21 5:12 PM