
What is this service?

ThingLink is an online tool that enables users to annotate and publish still photos, videos, and 360 media to create interactive digital environments. ThingLink can support virtual interactive tours of classrooms, museums, sites abroad, or university campuses. ThingLinks can also be used to visualize processes, changes over time, differences across locations, or data within a group.

Who is eligible for this service?

Access is available via Canvas and your Middlebury single-sign-on credentials.

How do I access this service?

You can login directly at using the Microsoft account button on the far left.

You also have access within Canvas but there is limited interaction between the two tools. The ThingLink option on the Canvas menu bar will take the user to ThingLink where an account will automatically be generated for them, if one does not already exist. In addition, faculty can use the external tool option within Assignments in Canvas to link ThingLink assignments to a Canvas course. Please note, however, that this assignment link will only link to ThingLink in general. Students will still need to navigate to the appropriate course and assignment.

How do I learn about this service?

How do I get help?

Use the button to the right side of this page to request support.

Request Service


Service ID: 296
Thu 2/8/24 3:20 PM
Thu 2/8/24 3:21 PM
Group or groups who are eligible to use the service
Students (All)
Faculty (All)