
What is this service?

Blackbaud is a third party service managed by GMHEC and Advancement for the exclusive use of Advancement staff, with some support from ITS. NXT and Raiser's Edge are tools within this service.

Who is eligible for this service?

This resource is for Middlebury Advancement staff only.

How do I learn about this service?

Blackbaud learning resources are available through the Green Mountain Higher Education Consortium (GMHEC).

How do I get help?

For help with use of Blackbaud, see the learning resources above. For access or training, see John Coburn or Jami Black (in that order). The ITS Service Desk can assist with general sign-in issues if you already have access (this will include troubleshooting single sign-in, but may not apply to Blackbaud multi-factor authentication). Or create a ticket if you have data integration service requests. See links for the latter two support paths on this page.

Request Blackbaud Sign-in Support

Related Articles (1)

Blackbaud is a service provided through the Green Mountain Higher Education Consortium for use by Advancement staff.


Service ID: 346
Wed 8/14/24 4:48 PM
Fri 9/27/24 12:59 PM