What is this service?
The LibGuides integration with Canvas allows faculty to embed selected LibGuides into pages in their Canvas site. This allows students to access research guide information without having to leave their Canvas course shell. Librarians at the College and the Institute can work with faculty to design custom research guides for their courses.
Who is eligible for this service?
Access to LibGuides is available to all active Middlebury students, faculty, and staff via Canvas and your Middlebury single-sign-on credentials.
How do I learn about this service?
Libguides are managed by Middlebury College and Institute librarians. You can learn more at Middlebury's Libguides website.
How do I access Libguides in Canvas?
Faculty can embed Libguides resources in Canvas from the rich content editor (RCE) by clicking on the Apps button presented as a plugin icon in the editor window when in edit mode within a page, assignment, or discussion. From there:
- Select View All to see a full list of external tools.
- Select Library Resources from the list to activate the integration.
- Select the appropriate LibGuides Site.
- Select the Content Type, Guide, and Guide page.
- Click Embed Content.
- Click Save to save the updated Canvas page.
How do I get help?
For assistance with creating Libguides or to collaborate with a Librarian contact Middlebury Libraries Help. For technical support for LibGuides in Canvas, click the Request Help with Libguides in Canvas button to the right. For pedagogical support for LibGuides in Canvas, schedule a consultation with a DLINQ team member.
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