Content Types

Drupal allows us to structure content on the website into a set of custom Content Types. Each Content Type has its own set of fields and its own templates that organize those fields for display.

Our documentation includes detailed information about each Content Type.

Using Content Types we can ensure that when you want to create a Profiles for a person you have fields to enter their contact and biographical information, but when you want to add a Story you’re provided places to enter information specific to the news, such as a byline and publication date. When these Content Types are displayed, Drupal uses their custom templates to ensure that the contact information always appears in the same place on the Profile and that the byline on a Story links to a list of other stories by that author.

Content Types also allow Drupal to efficiently build lists of similar content. Newsrooms can display lists of Story content. on a site and exclude Basic Content and Profiles. An events calendar can show just a list of the Event content on a site, organized chronologically, since it can rely on the Event content supplying a date, which is a required field on that Content Type.


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Mon 2/14/22 8:39 AM
Wed 9/20/23 2:29 PM