Course List

The Course List component is used to display a list of courses from the Searchable Course Catalog. The display of the courses is similar to the Frequently Asked Questions component where the title of the course is displayed in a row and clicking on it expands to show a description of the course and information about the terms in which it is offered. Course Lists can have a title and blurb which are displayed at the top of the list, though both of these fields are optional.


Presently, the Course List component is limited to only show courses from the catalog associated with the school site you're working on. Course Lists on the the Middlebury College site will only show results from the MCUG catalog while Course Lists on the Middlebury Institute site will only show results from the MIIS catalog. We plan to allow the flexibility to choose a catalog in the future.

Departments, Requirements, Subjects, and Additional Details

When editing a course list, you will see a series of checkbox options that allow you to limit the scope of the list of courses which will be displayed. These checkboxes scope the results using "OR" logic. For instance, if you check both "topic/department/ANTH" and "topic/department/ARBC" the course list will show those items which are either Anthropology OR Arabic courses.

You can use the Searchable Course Catalog to see how various department, requirements, and subjects searches will appear.

A screenshot of the Course List component editing interface showing the checkboxes available to scope the list by department.


By default, the Course List will show all of the courses offered in the last four years based on your search criteria. Courses offered in the current or upcoming term will have a badge displayed next to their title indicating this. If you wish to show courses from a different timeframe than the last four years, click the Date tab while editing the course list and enter an ISO 8601 duration. For example, to show just the last two years, you would enter "P2Y" or if you wanted to show the last year and six months you would enter "P1Y6M" both without the quotes.


Article ID: 233
Tue 2/15/22 2:22 PM
Wed 2/16/22 3:34 PM