Panopto Basics

This article describes how to access and use Panopto, Middlebury's enterprise video management platform for teaching and learning. Panopto is integrated into the Canvas learning management system and features tools for recording, editing, captioning, storing, and sharing of videos for use within courses as well as for external audiences.


How do I log into my account?

Go to Middlebury College Panopto home page. You will see a variety of public videos that other people have shared.

  1. Click Sign-in at the top on the right. Choose Middlebury Single Sign-in.
  2. Enter your Middlebury College credentials (email address and password).
  3. When logged in you will see your personal Panopto home page and any videos that have been shared with you or that you have uploaded.

How does Panopto work?

Panopto offers a variety of features.

  1. Panopto allows you to upload, host and share video similar to what you can do in YouTube, Vimeo, or other video hosting services.
  2. VIdeos can be uploaded to your personal folder for personal use or to folders associated with a specific course and students.
  3. You can also use Panopto to create and edit a variety of video content including screencasts and webcasts.
  4. Video sharing settings can be modified to align with your audience needs.
  5. Videos can be edited online with basic editing tools and shared via link or with video specific embed code for use on websites or Canvas course sites.

How do instructors use Panopto to share videos for a course?

Navigate to Course Hub and add a Panopto Resource. See the Course Hub Knowledge Base article for steps on creating a Panopto Resource in Course Hub: Add a Panopto Video Folder

This will create a Panopto folder for your course section and create groups with folder access for both instructors and students. By default only instructors will be able to add videos and only students in the course will be able to view the videos.

If desired, grant the student group permission to create videos from within Panopto.

How does an instructor use Course Hub to share a Panopto folder with multiple course sections or connect an existing Panopto folder with a new course section?

If multiple course sections need access to the same Panopto folder, login to Course Hub to create a Panopto Resource for one section. For example, start with Section A.

To connect an existing Panopto folder or the folder created for Section A with other sections follow these steps:

  1. Click on the link to the Panopto Folder on Course Hub. This will take you to the Panopto web portal for your course Panopto folder.
  2. In your web browser address bar, look for the web address for the folder. It should look something like this in its complete form:
  3. At the end of the link, the long string of letters and numbers after the equal sign [=] and in double quotes* is the Panopto Folder ID. Copy this folder ID. NOTE: in some browsers the double quotes denoting the Folder ID may be encoded as %22
  4. Return to Course Hub.
  5. Go to the next class section that you want to link the Panopto folder to. For example, Section B.
  6. Click "+Resource".
  7. Click "Panopto Resource".
  8. Paste the Panopto folder ID into the field on the resource form that says "Connect to an existing Panopto folder by ID" as shown in this screen-shot.

"Screenshot of a Canvas group node. The form field for "connect to an existing Panopto folder by ID is annotated to indicate the ID should be pasted there.

How do instructors and students use Panopto with Canvas?

Find and view Panopto Recordings in Canvas

Embedded Panopto videos in a Canvas course can be seen directly within a page, assignment, or discussion forum. Videos can also be shared by link from Panopto which will open in another tab or window.

You may be prompted to log in to Panopto to view an embedded or linked video. Both Canvas and Panopto use Middlebury e-mail credentials to grant access to content.

Embed Panopto Videos in a Canvas Page or Activity

Instructors: As a first step it's recommended to create a Panopto Resource via the Course Hub. This will create a folder in Panopto where videos can be stored for a specific class. The class roster will sync with the folder viewing permissions.

After creating the Panopto folder and uploading video(s) for a class instructors can embed a video into any area of Canvas where the rich content editor (RCE) is available.

For example, from within a Page in Canvas when you are editing the page you will see the green Panopto icon* in the RCE tool bar.

A screenshot of the WYSIWYG editor in Canvas. The green Panopto item is visible to the right.

  • If you do not see the green Panopto icon, click the icon that looks like an electric plug. This is the icon for third party integrations. Panopto should be listed there as well.
    ** If you do not see either of these icons, click the stacked 3 dots at the end of the toolbar. When expanded, hidden tools will appear here.

Instructors and Students: To embed a Panopto video, click the Panopto Editor button in the RCE. This may prompt you to login or it will bring you to a pop-up to select a folder and video(s) you wish to embed.

Select the video you wish to embed by clicking in the circle selector next to the video thumbnail. Next click the blue insert button at the bottom of the selection window. You may need to scroll to bottom if you have multiple videos in the folder. Note that you can not multi-select videos.

To complete the embed, return to the Canvas RCE and content screen. Remember to click the Save or Save and Publish button at the bottom of the page.

How can I record a video with Panopto?

Panopto offers screen capture and video recording through your web browser using the Panopto Capture tool or with Mac or Windows desktop versions of Panopto software.

See this Panopto guide to reivew options for recording videos and links to download desktop versions: How to Record a Video

How are privacy and sharing settings configured for my videos?

By default all video sharing settings are set to private. See this Panopto guide to review how to modify these settings: How to Share a Video

How can captions be added to a video?

As of Spring 2024, you do not need to take any action to create captions. Machine generated captions are automatically created for videos recorded with Panopto and for videos that are uploaded to Panopto.

Note: Panopto’s automated caption feature will not be one hundred percent accurate. Automated captions reach about 85% accuracy. These captions need to be reviewed and corrected in order to achieve as close to 100% accuracy as possible.

How can automated captions be edited for accuracy?

See this Panopto guide to review instructions to edit the auto-generated captions: How to Edit or Delete Captions

Where can a transcript be created from Panopto captions?

See this guide from the Office of Digital Learning & Inquiry (DLINQ) for recommendations: Creating a transcript from Panopto captions

What is wrong when a video for a course can't be viewed by students?

Check to be sure you created a Panopto Resource via the Course Hub and that you've placed all of your videos in Panopto in this folder. If your videos are in your My Folder location in Panopto, you will need to move your videos into a course folder. See this Panopto guide to review instructions for moving videos: How to Batch Copy and Move Videos

How do I move Panopto videos I placed in "My Folder" to another folder or my course folder?

To share out videos from a different Panopto folder or share out individual videos, make sure the Share Settings for the folder or the video are scoped correctly. See the following See this Panopto guides to review instructions for managing sharing settings for folders and individual videos: How to Share a Folder and How to Share a Video.

Note: By default Panopto users cannot directly share the personally scoped My Folder in Panopto. To share videos stored in your My Folder, you need to either move them to a course folder, a subfolder in your Panopto My Folder, or update the share settings for individual videos one by one.

What should users do if they receive error messages about enabling cookies when accessing Panopto videos embedded in Canvas (or the video just isn't displaying even after attempting to log in)?

The Firefox web browser is recommended when working in Canvas and Panopto. Regardless of browser, you need to make sure your browser accepts third-party cookies. This article walks you through how to enable third-party cookies in supported Panopto browsers.

Another option is to create a link from your Canvas site to the Panopto video, or to your course Panopto folder. Here are some tips on how to do this:

  • Consider providing a link to the main Panopto course video folder on the course's main Canvas page.  This link is most easily found on the Resources tab of your course’s CourseHub page. This link should be added as an “External URL” within a Canvas main page module while also being sure to check the “Load in a new tab” tick box.
  • Consider adding a direct link to a video directly before or after the embedded version in a Canvas page.  If you have already successfully embedded a video, the direct link to a video can be most easily found by clicking on the “↗” in the video and noting the URL of the resulting new browser tab or window.
  • Consider adding a Panopto video as an “External URL” within a Canvas module while also being sure to check the “Load in a new tab” tick box.

Where can Panopto training resources be accessed?

Visit the Panopto training site for a list of available training sessions.

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Related Services / Offerings (2)

Video streaming refers to the hosting and playback of video content. Panopto is a video storage service that everyone with a Middlebury email account has access to.
The Panopto video integration with Canvas allows instructors and students to choose, upload, or record videos from wherever the rich content editor is available in order to share with members of a Canvas site. The integration is available for all Canvas content types except new quizzes.