Panopto Integration in Canvas

What is this service?

The Panopto video integration with Canvas allows you to choose, upload, or record videos from wherever the rich content editor is available in order to share videos members of a Canvas site. The integration is available for all Canvas content types except for new quizzes.

Who is eligible for this service? 

The Panopto integration is available to all active Middlebury students, faculty, and staff via Canvas login with Middlebury single-sign-on credentials.

How do I learn about this service?

How to Embed Panopto Videos in a Canvas Course offers step by step instructions on how to add and use Panopto videos from within Canvas.

How do I access Panopto in Canvas?

The Panopto integration is accessible in all Canvas course sites only from the rich content editor.

How do I get help?

For technical support for Panopto in Canvas, search the ITS Knowledge Base click the Request Help button to submit a ticket. For pedagogical support, schedule a consultation with a DLINQ team member.

Additional Service Data

For accessibility, privacy, and security information see Instructure’s Partner Listing for Panopto.

Request Help with Panopto in Canvas

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