Reset the SFTP password in MiddCreate

You need your MiddCreate SFTP password to use SFTP clients or the terminal to manipulate files on your server. It is a different password than your Middlebury SSO password.

To reset the SFTP password, follow these instructions.

  1. Login at using your Middlebury SSO information.
  2. Click on the green button labeled "Dashboard" at the top of the page if you aren't automatically redirected.
  3. You should now see a narrow black menu bar at the top of the page. Put your mouse over the "Manage Your Account" button.
  4. Click on "User Information" from the drop-down menu.
  5. You will now be on a page where you can reset your SFTP password and download settings to help you connect with various SFTP clients. 



Article ID: 667
Thu 11/9/23 8:06 AM
Thu 11/9/23 8:20 AM