When multiple course sections from multiple instructors need access to the same Panopto folder, first create a "Panopto Resource" for one section using Course Hub. If it already exists, skip to step 1.
For example, start with Section A and follow the directions here.
Once you have the base Panopto folder created, follow these steps:
- Click on the link to the Panopto Folder on Course Hub. This will take you to your Panopto folder.
- Click on the Share icon, and add your co-instructor(s) using their Middlebury email address. Give them the role of Creator.
- In your web browser's address bar, look at the URL for the folder. It should look something like this:
https:// midd.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Sessions/List.aspx#folderID=%22XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX%22
- At the end of the link, the long string of letters and numbers after the equal sign [=] and in double quotes* is the Panopto Folder ID. Copy this folder ID. NOTE: in some browsers the double quotes denoting the Folder ID may be encoded as %22
- Copy the ID.
- Share the ID with your co-instructor(s).
- They can use this in Course Hub to connect to the base Panopto folder using the steps below.
- Click "+Resource".
- Click "Panopto Resource".
- Paste the Panopto folder ID into the field on the resource form that says "Connect to an existing Panopto folder by ID."