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This article explains how to get started using LinkedIn Learning, Middlebury's video-based on-demand instruction resource that is available to all active academic year faculty, staff, and students, both here and at Monterey.
This article contains a variety of resources to help you learn about Google Drive & Docs use for file creation, storage, and sharing.  You'll find both written and video-based instruction.
This article briefly outlines common apps in Middlebury's Google Workspace and provides links to learning resources.
This article contains a variety of resources to help you learn about OneDrive use for file storage and sharing.  You'll find both written and video-based instruction.
This article contains a variety of resources to help you learn about Microsoft Teams use to gather a group, chat, edit shared files and more. You'll find both written and video-based instruction.
This article is devoted to all the ways you can learn about Banner Admin (a.k.a. Banner 9 Admin).
This article briefly outlines commonly-used elements of Office 365 and provides links to learning resources and quick start guides.
Ellucian's training materials are best accessed by having an Ellucian Hub account. The sign up process only takes a few minutes.