Search11 Results

Can't see the list of printers with Mobility Print? Getting a Server unavailable message?
On-campus (or VPN) access to Middfiles, Miisfiles, and Papercut printing servers as well as remote desktop connections require a device to use campus DNS servers, and may also not function with certain network privacy features. This article addresses some of the known issues and fixes.
This article contains detailed instructions on how to connect a variety of devices to Middlebury's wireless networks.
This article will help you select the appropriate Middlebury wireless network for your needs and direct you to connection instructions.
An article detailing different NAT types for different devices and explaining what they mean for online gaming on Middlebury College networks.
Instructions connecting to Middfiles or Miisfiles
This article will help you resolve problems with your VPN connection.
This article explains how to release and renew your computer's IP address to resolve network connectivity issues.
This article contains basic steps you can take with your home network that may address Zoom video conference call or class stability issues.
This article explains what a MAC address is -- and how to find it for your devices.
This article explains how to request a Middlebury guest account for individuals who need access to Canvas or WordPress sites but do not have a Middlebury network account.
This article describes the wireless networks available at Middlebury and provides links to connection and troubleshooting instructions.