Connecting to Middfiles or Miisfiles

Middfiles is the home of classes folders, where students and faculty on the Middlebury campus can share files with each other. Many departmental shared folders currently reside on Middfiles as well, in the orgs folder. Refer to the contents and structure of Middfiles for more information.
Miisfiles houses a Departments folder where some work groups on the Monterey campus store shared files.

To connect to Middfiles / Miisfiles when using the Middlebury network (wired or wireless) on either campus, follow the instructions appropriate to your operating system:

If you're off-campus, you'll need to use a VPN connection or one of our other options for off-campus access.

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Article ID: 301
Wed 7/6/22 1:59 PM
Wed 8/21/24 9:27 AM

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