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Paths to content are now determined by your title and menu, but can be overridden and redirected, as outlined in this section of our documentation.
You can use meta tags on your content to control how it is presented in search engine results and on social media. These tags also help people find your content.
Drupal now has a way to create content as a draft and send it out for review. You can also archive content you no longer wish to be public, but want to remain available on the site for editors to use.
Sometimes your content will appear as a condensed preview and this section describes how you can control what is displayed in this view mode. This is also where featured images are discussed.
Each time you save a piece of content, you create a revision of it and all its components in Drupal. You can access, review, and revert these revisions by navigating to the content, clicking Edit Page in the admin bar at the top of the screen, and selecting Revisions.
The Profile content type is used to highlight information about and the accomplishments of a person, usually one who works for Middlebury or attends its programs.
Frequently asked questions for the Argos reporting tool.
Step by step instructions on how to set up Multi-Factor Authentication and Self-Service Password Reset