Video Conferencing

Tags zoom

What Is This Service?

There are multiple video conferencing services (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet). Zoom is our supported (and most popular) tool for Video conferencing: 

Zoom Video Conferencing is an intuitive, powerful video conferencing tool which can be used for both academic and administrative purposes. It allows for face-to-face meetings with up to 300 distinct participants, interoperability between video conferencing rooms and computer software, screen sharing, remote control, breakout groups and more. It’s quick to download and easy to use — visit or http://go/zoom/ to get started!

Who Is Eligible For This Service?

All current faculty, staff, and students.

How Do I Learn About This Service?

We can help train you to use the software, provide the appropriate equipment, such as webcams or PolyCarts, if needed, and we can provide backend support during your Zoom events, as well as provide the correct licenses for meetings and webinars. 

Visit the Media Services information page on videoconferencing.

How Do I Get Help?

Click on the "Request Video Conferencing Support" button on the right of this page.

Request Video Conferencing Support

Related Articles (2)

This article provides step-by-step instructions for adding the Zoom app to your Canvas course navigation. It explains how to access the course settings, locate and enable the Zoom app, and save these changes so that the Zoom link appears in the course navigation menu.
This article describes steps to access a Zoom cloud recording associated with a course using the Zoom integration with the Canvas learning management system.