Dynamic Event Calendar List

The Dynamic Event Calendar List shows events from the Event Calendar and looks the same as the Curated Event Calendar List to users of the site, but the events listed will be refreshed based on search criteria from the Event Calendar. The title and call to action field work the same as in the Curated Event Calendar List component.

Sort Order

  • Most recent events first: this is a "reverse chronological" sort. An event on Tuesday will appear in the list before an event on Monday. If you have events in the future, they will show up at the top of the list.
  • Least recent events first: this is a chronological sort. An event on Monday will appear in the list before an event on Tuesday. Note that the event calendar data goes back many years, so you may need to check "show only upcoming events" in the next section if you use this sort, or you will only see the same event from many years ago.

Date Range

The default is to show all events, past and present. Please note that the event calendar has data from many past years as well as events scheduled many months out. You can select "Show only upcoming events" to only show events which have not yet occurred or "Show only past events" if you're building and event archive page.

Number of events

You must show at least one event in your list and can show up to 50 events. The default value is 10. If you need to show more than 50 events, please contact us so that we can work on a solution for you.


Filters allow you to decide which kinds of events will appear in your event list. The options here come from the 25Live event management system and are copied to this component nightly. There are five types of filters:

  • Access: Whether an event is open or closed to the public. If you're building a page with the public as the intended audience you can use this to filter out events they won't be able to attend.
  • Organizations: Academic departments, offices, student organizations, and other such groups are included in this list. You can select multiple options to include events from each of those organizations.
  • Categories: These are typically used by event management to create separate calendars for similar events. For example, there is a category for all athletics events.
  • Locations: Many schedulable event locations are included in this list. You could use this to show all of the events occurring in a particular building or room.
  • Event Types: These are categories designated by the Event Management office.

The filters are applied in an AND / OR pattern like so:

Show all events with (Open to the Public) AND (Organization 1 OR Organization 2) AND (Location 1)

This would mean that closed to the public events sponsored by organization 1 are not shown, nor are open to the public events sponsored by organization 2 in location 4.

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Article ID: 235
Tue 2/15/22 4:23 PM
Thu 2/17/22 10:43 AM