Nasuni Web Access Use

Nasuni Web Access is a tool that provides access to Middfiles and Miisfiles without the need for a VPN connection.

Please note that you cannot edit and save directly to files using this method; you should download your file(s) then upload the revised version(s).

Basic Instructions

  1. Visit
  2. Login in with your Middlebury email address ( format) and password.  You will see the main server folders to which you have access, similar to the image shown here:
    Nasuni Main Menu
  3. Click on the desired server folder to open it, then click as needed on sub-folders to display their contents.  
  • middfiles (Middlebury campus):  CLASSES and ORGS (for department shared folders) are the most commonly-used folders.
  • miisfiles (Monterey campus):  Departments is the most commonly-used folder.
  1. Although you cannot work on files directly using Web Access, you can...
    • Click a file name to view it (for file types where a preview is available).
    • Click to the right of a file or folder name to select that entry, then use the toolbar at top right to perform a variety of common tasks.  Screen tips appear when you hover the mouse over the icons. 

Nasuni Toolbar

Toolbar button functions, from left to right:

  • Download the selected file(s).
  • Get an internal link to share.
  • Delete the selected file(s).
  • Add a new folder.
  • Upload a file (such as a new version you've created).
  • Change the sort order of the file list.
  • View details about the selected file.

Note:  You will need to refresh the page to see any changes.


Uploading Files - Details

  1. Click the Upload Files icon to open the following dialog box:
    Upload Files dialog box
  2. Drag and drop your files directly onto the designated area, OR you may click the Choose Files button to navigate to then select files using your folder structure. 
    • NOTE:  Use Chrome or Firefox for best results to upload large files.
  3. If you have additional files to upload, click the Add More button OR simply drag the additional files onto the designated area.
  4. Click Done when you are finished.
    • IMPORTANT!  Refresh your browser's window to see the results of your uploads; the screen does not refresh automatically!
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Article ID: 283
Wed 3/16/22 4:44 PM
Thu 6/6/24 2:13 PM