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Can't see the list of printers with Mobility Print? Getting a Server unavailable message?
On-campus (or VPN) access to Middfiles, Miisfiles, and Papercut printing servers as well as remote desktop connections require a device to use campus DNS servers, and may also not function with certain network privacy features. This article addresses some of the known issues and fixes.
Instructions connecting to Middfiles or Miisfiles
This page has specific instructions for connecting to and using Middlebury file servers (middfiles and miisfiles) using the Windows operating system.
Cloud storage services such as Microsoft OneDrive (and SharePoint) or Google Drive (and Shared Drives) are commonly used instead of Middlebury file servers.
This article explains basic use of the Nasuni Web Access tool to work with Midd/Miisfiles without the need for a VPN connection.
This page has specific instructions for connecting to and using Middlebury file servers (middfiles and miisfiles) in the Macintosh OSX operating system.