WordPress plugin requests

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In 2023 and 2024 Middlebury is migrating our managed WordPress hosting to CampusPress. The supported plugins after the upcoming migration are listed on the CampusPress site:


The provide plugins should be sufficient for most users. If an additional unsupported plugin is desired ITS can pass of the request to CampusPress for review (guidelines).

Managing plugins can require significant time, so we will need a few details from you:

  • What are you specifically hoping to accomplish with this plugin?
  • Many plugins have multiple features -- please indicate which features are of primary importance to you and which features are “nice to have” or unimportant.
  • Does this plugin provide new functionality that isn't currently available or do you see it as an improvement on functionality that already exists?
  • Does the plugin you are requesting do something similar to an existing plugin? If so, how are they different?

    Documentation on many WordPress plugins is available on CampusPress.com and even more can be found by browsing the plugins list within sites.middlebury.edu/sites.miis.edu and reading documentation on the plugins’ websites.
  • Does the plugin you are requesting require extra purchase/licensing to achieve your goals?

    Due to the additional overhead of managing licensing details and accounts during frequent plugin security upgrades we are generally unable to provide purchased plugins in sites.middlebury.edu/sites.miis.edu. Free plugins sourced through the WordPress.org plugin directory are less likely to have these types of licensing restrictions.
  • What is your backup plan or work-around if this plugin cannot be made available?

Your answers to these questions will allow us to either provide you with details on how to accomplish your goals using existing functionality or give us what we need to begin a plugin review.

Submit requests for plugins in a Help Desk Ticket.

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Middlebury ITS has partnered with CampusPress, our WordPress hosting vendor, to provide you with timely and accurate support for all your wordpress website needs. Here’s how to get the help you need.
The sites.miis.edu network provides WordPress site creation and hosting capabilities to the Middlebury Institute community for course or personal use.