Self-Service Tips for Events

ITS offers many services and support options, including tech tips for event planning. While we will make every effort to meet your needs, we do need sufficient notice to guarantee support. In some cases, such as when the request for support comes in late, we cannot provide a technician. However, we've put together these tips to help you run your event independently and with ease:

  1. Plan ahead and consider whether you will need equipment. Most of our event venues are well-equipped and easy to use. Instructions are available for most locations; look for a small sign attached to the podium with a QR Code and a GO link. You can contact the Help Desk if you cannot find one for your venue.
  2. Projection: Most spaces have projection capability. To confirm, visit go/25live/, click the magnifying glass beside Search Locations, click Features + then select Computer Projection.
    • Podium computer: Many spaces already have a computer installed and you do not need to bring your laptop (unless you'd like to). To get a list of spaces with a pre-installed computer, visit go/25live/, click the magnifying glass beside Search Locations, click Features + then select  Computer installed in podium/lecturn.
    • Using your own laptop: make sure to test your computer and your presentation in the event location. Faculty and staff can also borrow a laptop from the Library Circulation Desk.
    • Projection tips: See our comprehensive projection troubleshooting tips.
  3. Recording: If you need to do your own recording, you can borrow a video camera from the Library Circulation Desk. There are two camcorder options at the Circ desk: Canon Vixia - one that is simple to use and Canon XA10 - one that is higher quality but more complicated to use. Each comes with printed instructions in the bag. Make sure you take some time to test the camera you've borrowed. Once your recording is done, you can use Adobe Premiere in the Wilson Media Lab to process it; there are tutors available to help with editing, and then you can upload it to YouTube, Vimeo, or Panopto. 
    • Consent form: You will need to ask the speaker to complete the recording consent form (go/consent). This is to ensure that the speaker being recorded is aware of the intent to record and, at the same time, to protect you and the College in the case of a lawsuit.
  4. Videoconferencing: Library 105A and Library 105B are easy to use rooms where you can host or join a video conference. 
  5. Film screening: Our event venues have media players and controls that make it very easy to show a film. There are instructions available for most locations and you can contact the Helpdesk if you cannot find them for your venue.
  6. Equipment on loan: If the location you are hoping to use does not have the equipment you need, the Library offers several options for getting equipment on loan.
  7. Guest speakers: If you are bringing a guest speaker on-campus, send them our Technology Checklist for Visiting Speakers.
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Article ID: 600
Wed 3/15/23 2:50 PM
Wed 9/4/24 4:58 PM

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