After you leave Middlebury you will no longer be able to access certain Middlebury College resources. You should prepare for your departure in advance by backing up any files or emails you need for your personal records. In the case of faculty and staff, you should also make sure any shared files are saved in locations that others in your department can access. This document contains timelines and recommendations to help you make a smooth and successful transition to whatever may lie ahead.
Everyone: On your last day of employment or enrollment at Middlebury, you will no longer have access to most services. This includes services such as:
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Canvas
- Department shared drives and cloud storage
- LinkedIn Learning video-based online instruction
- Microsoft Office desktop apps
- Middcreate websites
- Oracle
- Panopto
- Zoom
- Other services you access using your Middlebury account
Plan for this transition by moving your files to a personal account and, if applicable, taking care of any Oracle-related tasks (such as submitting time cards or expense reports, and processing approvals, etc.), prior to your departure.
Students: You will retain access to your email account for one calendar year. After a year has elapsed (and if you have not returned to Middlebury) your account will be deactivated, and you will not have any access.
Faculty: You will retain access to your email account for three months. After those three months have elapsed (and if you have not returned to Middlebury) your account will be deactivated, and you will not have any access.
Staff: You will retain access to your email account for one month. After that month has elapsed (and if you have not returned to Middlebury) your account will be deactivated, and you will not have any access.
Faculty Emeriti and Retirees: You may retain lifetime access to your Middlebury email until it is no longer in active use. Access to the services listed (in particular, Microsoft Office desktop application licensing) is removed on your last day of employment as outlined above.
Think about your Middlebury email while you still have access to it.
Do you need any of these emails for your records? Forward these emails to a personal account.
Do you have any subscriptions, bills, student loan communications, or other critical emails being sent to your Middlebury email? Update your contact information with your service providers.
Be sure to use a personal, non-Middlebury email account on resumes and when applying to grad schools and jobs so you can receive important communication.
If you have large amounts of mail to move from your Middlebury account:
Mac users can connect macOS Mail (not Outlook) on your computer to both your @Midd and a personal email account, then drag mail from @midd to your personal account. Refer to these instructions for details on setting up an account (select Microsoft Exchange for your @Midd account).
Some email programs can import .pst files. Both Windows and Mac users can export messages to an Outlook Data File (.pst) using Outlook 365 on a Windows computer (not Webmail). Refer to these instructions for details. Be sure to create your export file, if needed, while you still have access to your account.
You may need to purchase your own copy of Office 365 in order to use the exported file, depending on which email program you plan to use. There are also free PST viewers such as Kernel Outlook PST Viewer and GoldFynch PST that let you view old email content.
- Please let us know your preferred email going forward! Update your contact information so you can receive communications about events, news and updates from Middlebury, and networking opportunities.
You will only be able to access your files stored on Google and One Drive for the duration of the active grace period for your account type (or for 30 days for retirees / faculty emeriti). Please refer to the Account Timelines above and/or the Account Lifecycle Policy to determine the length of the active grace period for your account type. This access is via website only, using and Be sure to transition needed files while you still have access; refer to Transition Resources below for details.
For information about Microsoft's OneDrive use post-Middlebury, refer to their cloud storage pricing and plans.
- Sharing Google or Microsoft files with an organization or department? If so, please move those to a Google Shared Drive or Microsoft Sharepoint to protect ongoing access after you are gone (ex. Microsoft Teams use Sharepoint for file storage not tied to an individual account).
- OneDrive:
Canvas: Instructors may want to keep a copy of their Canvas site for their own records. Canvas sites can be exported as a package, or they can be exported as an ePub file.
Transition your site on Middcreate - see DLINQ’s When You Leave details
If you have additional questions about Middlebury College’s Account Lifecycle Policy or why you will no longer have access, please see our full policy details to learn more.
If you require additional assistance, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at