Canvas: Sharing Site Content as an Archive or an ePub

Tags canvas lms

As an instructor, there are times when you may need or want to share access to a Canvas site with someone in order to allow them to see your course materials or curriculum. This article describes options for sharing access.

If you want to share your course materials with someone who already has access to Canvas, then you’ll want to request an archive copy of your site. However, you may prefer to export your course in ePub format if you need to share your materials with someone outside of Middlebury or in a more portable format. Both of these sharing paths address privacy concerns about student data.

Archive Copy of a Canvas Site

An archive copy of a Canvas course site is a copy of all of the content without the student activity. The archive is stored in Middlebury’s instance of Canvas, and allows an instructor to add additional people. This option is most useful in cases where the viewing course structure, materials, and assignments within the context of the Canvas environment is important for the sharing. For instance, this would be a good option when a colleague would like to see how a version of a course from a previous term was taught, or if an instructor is up for review.

Exporting Your Course as an ePub

ePub is a downloadable file format that is used for e-books and can be viewable offline in an eReader. The file will include published content for the course site, it will not include the Canvas look and feel. This strategy is most useful when access to Middlebury’s Canvas or the internet is a challenge. Use this strategy to share content from your Canvas site with a colleague at another school, or students that need the information for a future course.

  1. Check to make sure the ePub exporting feature is on for your course. It is not on by default. Canvas Guide: How do I manage new features for a course?

  2. Canvas Guide: How do I view course content offline as an ePub file as an instructor?


Article ID: 693
Fri 2/23/24 4:25 PM
Fri 3/1/24 11:18 AM

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Canvas is Middlebury's main learning management system. It provides tools to create online course sites that enable course communications, forums, assessments, file sharing, and other activities.
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