Information Technology Services (ITS) & Library Guide for New Staff and Faculty


This article contains links to information and resources that are helpful for new staff and faculty hires.


This article contains links to information and resources that are helpful for new staff and faculty hires.

Last revised 6/20/2024 (


Getting Help in Middlebury, VT and Monterey, CA

Our Technology Helpdesks on both coasts are regularly staffed to provide assistance with your computing needs.  Refer to our schedule of current hours as they vary.  While in-person services are currently available, Zoom is a convenient way to get help without coming in.  Staff and faculty can…

  • Use the http://go/helpme/ shortcut to search for answers or submit a request for help online using our Help Portal. (See Use GO Shortcuts section.)
  • Connect to us via Zoom using http://go/zoom2help/.
  • Chat with our ITS Virtual Assistant by clicking the blue icon at lower right of tech sites.
  • Use the http://go/helpdesk/ shortcut to visit the Technology Helpdesk website featuring useful resources and frequently-asked questions (FAQs).
  • On the Middlebury campus, visit Davis Family Library, Rm 202.
  • On the Monterey campus, individuals can drop by Casa Fuente, Rm 320, Mon-Fri during supported hours.
  • Call us at 802-443-2200 (VT), (831) 647-6656 (CA).
  • E-mail us at

Where To Get Help with Oracle (Finance & Human Resources)

Oracle is supported by teams at both the Green Mountain Higher Education Consortium (GMHEC) and the Middlebury Helpdesk. Issues are handled through a common ticketing system, TeamDynamix.  To speed your inquiries to the proper team, please refer to http://go/oraclehelp/ for up-to-date contact details.

Use GO Shortcuts For Easy Website Navigation

GO is a utility that provides a fast way to navigate to many common services on the Middlebury website. To use it, type a GO Shortcut (such as http://go/helpdesk/) into your web browser’s Address field, then press Enter (on PCs) or Return (on Macs). You will have immediate access to the pages you want to use. There are hundreds of registered GO shortcuts; visit http://go/gotionary/ to explore or create your own. Try these:

To view this website Type this when ON-campus
(or when using VPN)
Type this when OFF-campus
Midd College-specific website http://go/middhome/ (or go/middhome/)
MIIS-specific website http://go/miishome/ (or go/miishome/)
Middlebury Directory http://go/dir/ (or go/dir/)
Middlebury College Staff Council http://go/mcsc/ (or go/mcsc/)
Office 365 for Home Use http://go/getoffice/ (or go/getoffice/)


Your Middlebury Account

In the format of, your Middlebury account provides access to authorized services and resources, such as e-mail, the wireless network, cloud storage on Google and OneDrive, printing, software installations, Oracle, LinkedIn Learning training, Zoom video conferencing, BannerAdmin, and more.  You should protect your account with a strong password and keep it safe, so it is known only to you.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required for all Middlebury accounts to protect them and our network from potential compromise.  Learn more at http://go/mfafull/.

Learning Opportunities

There are a number of ways staff and faculty may acquire or improve their information technology skills. Opportunities are available for a variety of learning preferences:

  • Self-Guided Learning (Be sure to visit http://go/LILinfo/ for fabulous on-demand, video-based training offered by LinkedIn Learning!)
  • Instructor-led Workshops (See our current workshop schedule at http://go/techworkshops/. )
  • 1-on-1 Assistance (via Zoom or in-person, as available)

For complete details about learning options at Middlebury, please visit http://go/learn/.

Computing Tips And Recommendations

  • Visit http://go/infosec/ for resources about how to keep your computer safe and secure.
  • Protect your computer by keeping it up to date. Install critical operating system and browser updates as soon as they are available.
  • Save all work-related documents in cloud storage on OneDrive or Google; some shared departmental folders are located on Middlebury's middfiles/miisfiles servers. These are secure storage options that are accessible from any networked computer on campus and from off campus using any Internet Service Provider (ISP). Refer to the Store and Retrieve Documents sections below to learn more.
  • Save your work at least every 5-10 minutes; it is better to lose only a few minutes' work than the entire document.   Cloud storage (OneDrive and Google) can provide automatic saving; you should be sure you understand how saving works for each type of storage you use.

Public Computing Facilities

If you do not have access to a computer for your job you can use any computing lab on campus. The locations (which are not available during scheduled classes) are listed below; hours vary and are posted on the lab doors and on the web.  A wide variety of software is available on our public computers but offerings differ depending on the location. Scanners in selected labs are available for your use.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Lab protection software deletes all non-essential files from the hard drives of the computers in our public labs!  If you save your files to the local hard drive in a public lab, be sure to copy them to an appropriate storage location before you finish your computing session.

Middlebury Campus

Windows Computers Apple Computers

Davis Family Library, Room 140 and various study carrels
McCardell Bicentennial Hall, Rooms 116, 117 and 161 and various public computers
Sunderland Language Center, Room 122

Axinn Center, Room 105
Davis Family Library, Room 220 (Wilson Media Lab) and various study carrels
Johnson Memorial Building, Room 206
Sunderland Language Center, Room 202

Monterey Campus

William Tell Coleman Library, 6 Windows computers

What You Can Do on the Network

All office and public computers are on the network. On them you can:

Use E-mail

All Middlebury employees have an Exchange account with e-mail, address book, calendar, and task list features. We support and recommend access to this account using Outlook 365 for both Mac and PC, WebMail (aka Outlook for the Web) in browsers, or the Outlook app on smartphones.

All employees may access their mail using a web browser on- or off-campus using the WebMail link located under Quick Links at the bottom right of many Middlebury web pages.  Visit http://go/webmailhelp/ to learn how to use Webmail, access FAQs, and more.

There are a variety of online video-based courses available to help you learn about these e-mail programs; visit http://go/LILinfo/ to learn how to use Middlebury's LinkedIn Learning resource.

Connect to our Wireless Network

Select the MiddleburyCollege wireless network, then connect with your Middlebury email address and password. Traffic is fast, as well as encrypted for increased security. Visit http://go/wireless/ for detailed connection information.

Store and Retrieve Documents on Cloud Storage (OneDrive and Google)

All Middlebury faculty and staff have file storage available on the cloud through both Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive, accessed using their Middlebury email address and password. Both cloud storage options are accessible from off campus without the need for VPN software. Many departments use OneDrive as it is integrated with Microsoft products, including Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, while others use shared Google folders.  See Cloud Services Overview for more information.

Refer to the following instructions to learn specifics about set up and use:

Using Microsoft's OneDrive (http://go/onedrivehelp/)

Using Google Drive (http://go/gdrivehelp/)


Store and Retrieve Documents on Middlebury File Servers

Middlebury currently hosts some on-premise storage for both the Middlebury and Monterey campuses, called Middfiles and Miisfiles, respectively. 

On the Middlebury campus, the following Middfiles storage folders are of most interest to staff and faculty:

  • The orgs folder stores files that are shared by members of a department or group.
  • The classes folder stores files for academic coursework.

At Monterey, a number of departments use the Departments folder on Miisfiles to store shared files.


Connect to Middfiles / Miisfiles using a Macintosh:

1. Click on the Go menu in the Finder, then select Connect to Server.
2. In the Server Address field, type the appropriate address:


- or - 


3. Click Connect as needed.

4. Provide your full Middlebury address ( format) and account password when prompted, then click Connect.

Connect to Middfiles / Miisfiles using a PC:

Press the Windows key + E to open File Explorer, or click the folder icon on the Toolbar.  Expand This PC if necessary to view mappings (connections) to middfiles (N:).  Click the middfiles (\\ (N:) entry to view its contents.  If no such entry appears, refer to http://go/mapadrive/ for instructions on how to set this up on your computer.

Middfiles Use

Instructions are available explaining how to store and retrieve files on Middlebury servers:


Connect to a Networked Printer

Networked computers in our public computing labs are connected to at least one networked printer.  The Print dialog box will display the names of any installed printers that are available for your use.

To install printers on your Middlebury-owned computer you will need to obtain their exact network print queue names. Look for a sticker on the printer showing this information, then follow these instructions for your computer's operating system:

Note:  You may also access networked computers from your personally-owned computer using Mobility Print.  For instructions, see option one at http://go/howtoprint/.


Visit http://go/oracle/ (or click Oracle Cloud under Quick Links on the bottom right of the Middlebury College or MIIS home pages).  Provide your account name (in format) and password to log in. Oracle HCM is commonly used by employees to enter time worked and request time off, as well as access other job-related details, such as pay stubs, W-2s, and benefit information.


Connect to the Web Using a Web Browser

On a Macintosh: The Safari web browser is installed on Middlebury-owned computers.  Others are available for installation using the Self Service utility.

On a PC: The Edge web browser is installed on Middlebury-owned computers.  Others are available for installation using the Company Portal.

Middlebury’s web site now reflects the entire institution and has buttons on the lower edge where you can select the campus or program of interest.  You can speed up your access by bookmarking or using GO shortcuts, as follows:

You can also:


Use Zoom Video Conferencing

All Middlebury employees have access to Zoom for their video-conferencing needs. Visit http://go/zoomhelp/ to learn how to get started with this intuitive yet powerful tool.


Telephones and Voice Mail

For details about Middlebury's Zoom phone and voice mail systems, visit http://go/phone/.

Usage instructions can be found at http://go/phonehelp/.


Library Services

All employees may make full use of Middlebury library services and collections.


Middlebury Campus Library Branches:

Davis Family Library (main library) 110 Storrs Avenue
Armstrong Library (science) McCardell Bicentennial Hall (enter on 2nd floor)


Materials You Can Borrow

Middlebury College’s libraries provide materials on loan to support the academic, professional, and personal interests of the entire community.

Materials and Equipment

  • Books or other printed circulating items (some items are restricted to in-house use only).
  • Videos/DVDs from the Browsing Collection
  • Restricted Videos/DVDs (behind the Circulation Desk, in-house use only)
  • Recordings (Music CDs)
  • Musical Scores (Sheet Music)
  • Laptops, iPads, Cameras, Camcorders, Projectors, and much more! (See http://go/equipment/ for a longer list and info on how to book these.)

To look up these materialscheck MIDCAT (the library catalog) http://go/midcat/ or Library Search (default search) on the Library homepage http://go/library/.

For loan periods, see http://go/loanperiods/.


Where to Get Library Help

For research help from a librarian, call 802.443.5496 or visit http://go/askus/ for other options.

For borrowing help (questions about items you have checked out, etc.), call the Davis Family Library Circulation Desk at 802.443.5494 or e-mail

Have other questions and don't know who to contact? 

  • For anyone, if you aren't sure who to ask or if you have an immediate need and are unable to get hold of someone, call the Davis Family Library Circulation Desk at 802.443.5494, during library hours (http://go/hours/) or the Technology HelpDesk at 802.443.2200.


Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Use http://go/ill/ to create your own ILLiad acct for placing Interlibrary loan (ILL) requests. When a Middlebury item is checked out, missing, or not available locally it can be requested via ILL. It's easy and relatively fast service (average turnaround for ILL is currently just over a day for articles, and about a week for loans).

You can request a wide variety of materials from ILL, including: books, journal and newspaper articles, musical scores, audio-visual materials, sound recordings, microfilm or microfiche from libraries around the world!  We deliver both physical and electronic resources. Loan periods and renewals are set by the lending library. Save time creating requests by searching http://go/library/ and http://go/Worldcat/ which link directly to ILLiad and auto-completes ILL requests forms.



To acquaint yourself with important policies and guidelines, please visit the following:



Article ID: 416
Thu 12/1/22 4:46 PM
Thu 10/3/24 1:55 PM