How to use Mobility Print on a Mac or PC

  • For MIDDLEBURY CAMPUS Mobility Print installers for a variety of devices with basic setup instructions, visit http://go/mobilityprint/NOTE:  This URL requires an on-campus connection or use of VPN. 
  • For MONTEREY Mobility Print Installers for a variety of devices with basic setup instructions, visit NOTE:  This URL requires an on-campus connection or use of VPN.
    • For detailed Mobility Print installation and use information, refer to Printing at MIIS.

Important notes:

  • Poster printing cannot be done using Mobility Print.  Poster jobs must be submitted from a nearby public lab computer.
  • Mobility Print is intended for single user computers.  On Windows computers, whoever added the printer will be charged, regardless of who is currently logged in.
  • Mobility Print is not intended for use on College-owned computers as these can already connect easily to networked printers and some printer functionality will not be supported.  Refer to or for details.
  • Use of private VPN software other than Middlebury’s Global Protect will cause problems with Mobility Print setup and use.
  • Mobility Print is not currently supported for Linux; installers are not available.
Print Article

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