Can't see the list of printers with Mobility Print? Getting a Server unavailable message?
On-campus (or VPN) access to Middfiles, Miisfiles, and Papercut printing servers as well as remote desktop connections require a device to use campus DNS servers, and may also not function with certain network privacy features. This article addresses some of the known issues and fixes.
This article contains helpful information about poster creation and printing. You'll learn how to: set up and name your poster document, send your print job using a public lab computer, find plotter locations, and get help.
This article explains how to set up Mobility Print on a personally-own device so you can print to public printers on the Middlebury campus. It also explains how you can send print jobs using a computer in a public lab.
These instructions explain how to connect to a printer, set a default printer, and remove printers that are no longer used, on computers running Mac OS X
How to connect to network printers on a Windows computer, set your default printer, and remove printers that you no longer use.