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This article explains why you shouldn't move to "new" Outlook 365 on Middlebury-provided computers.
This article explains permissions needed in order to access another person's or organization's mailbox.  It also describes how to add the mailbox to Outlook on a PC or Mac, or work with it using Webmail.
This article contains basic information on what a shared mailbox is, how to request access, and how to add an additional mailbox in Outlook.
This article explains how to turn off cached mode for shared folders in Outlook 365 to speed up launch time and prevent syncing issues with calendars and email folders.
This article explains how to configure Middlebury email on a variety of devices and platforms.
This article covers the basics of Middlebury's email filtering, including Quarantine, Junk Mail folders, the Focused Inbox feature, and Clutter. Learn what you can adjust and how to do it.
This article explains what is meant when we talk about "the cloud" and provides an overview of common cloud services available at Middlebury with links to related resources.
The instructions in this article explain how to create a new profile in Microsoft Outlook for both Windows and Mac.
This article explains how to access a shared exchange mailbox using Outlook for the Web (OWA), aka Webmail.
This article shows examples of how the external sender tagging will appear in Outlook client and Outlook for Web.
This article provides important information for individuals who want to redirect or forward their Middlebury email to an alternate e-mail provider.
This article explains how to find the version of Outlook you use.
This article explains how to recover a variety of deleted items.
This article covers how to log on to Webmail (aka "Outlook for the Web") and contains links to learning resources.
This article explains the difference between Outlook's shared calendars and room resources, as well as how to request and then use them.