My Recently Visited Services
Distribution, installation, and troubleshooting of software and licenses via media, online methods, and license servers. Includes both cloud-based and desktop software.
The Middlebury Magazine website provides online access to selected content from the printed publication, digital-first articles, as well as video and podcast content.
VPN client used to connect Middlebury clients to network resources
A virtual private network connection allows off-campus devices to securely access on-campus resources
Azure Virtual Desktop is a virtualization tool which allows apps and virtual desktops to be delivered via web browser. No VPN or desktop client required.
Mathematics Software to analyze, explore, visualize, and solve mathematical problems.
R is a language and and R Studio an environment for statistical computing and graphics.
The Course Hub provides access to online resources for courses. Instructors can provision new resources with a few clicks and students get links to all the resources associated with each course.
Perusall is a social annotation tool that allows students to collaboratively markup uploaded texts, webpages, textbooks, as well as images and video with comments, hashtags, and anonymous notes. The Perusall integration with Canvas allows instructors to create graded annotation assignments.
Software used for machine learning, signal processing, image processing, computer vision, communications, computational finance, control design, robotics, and much more.
Classroom technology includes the hardware and software available in classrooms and computer labs across the MIIS and Middlebury campuses.
This service is being sunsetted. No new accounts or projects should be initiated. Existing content should be migrated to other platforms.
High Performance Computing (HPC) is the aggregation of computing power and memory to perform complex calculations in parallel, increasing the speed and efficiency of computer simulations and data analysis.
25Live Pro is the system of record for all use of schedulable space on campus. Event Management uses 25Live Pro to manage event details and support service logistics.
Stata is a complete, integrated statistical software package that provides everything you need for data analysis, data management, and graphics.
The Zoom external tool integrates Middlebury's enterprise video conferencing platform with Canvas and allows faculty to schedule, host, and record Zoom meetings within Canvas for recurring class meetings and office hours.
Ideal for use in engineering, mathematics, finance, physics, chemistry, biology, and a wide range of other fields, it makes possible a new level of automation in algorithmic computation, interactive manipulation, and dynamic presentation.
The network provides WordPress site creation and hosting capabilities to the Middlebury Institute community for course or personal use.
In addition to Azure Virtual Desktop, Middlebury supports several methods for accessing computer remotely.
The Online Directory provides the Middlebury community with a web-based platform for contact information and web-service feeds which populate directory information on the main websites.